Saturday, November 21, 2015

Feminist Frequency Twitter Page Followers is Made Up of 55% Fake Profiles

Anita Sarkeesian, the leading feminist critic of gaming, online and comic culture, has a majority of followers in her Twitter page made up of majorly fake profiles. Milo Yiannopoulous of Breitbart gives us the scoop:

'The battle against GamerGate appears to have taken a toll on Sarkeesian’s Twitter following, according to statistics on, a website whose tagline is, “Exposing Twitter fraud since 2012.”

TwitterAudit shows that in May of 2015, Anita had just over 286,000 followers, with a very good ratio of 87 per cent real followers. The current report shows Anita having 430,000 followers, a significant jump, but the quality ratio of 45 per cent is, as she would say,problematic.    
She has lost more than 65,000 followers judged real, and picked up more than 200,000 accounts deemed fake. The primary result of this change is that Sarkeesian’s tweets do not have nearly the reach that her follower count would lead an observer to believe. In contrast to Anita, I, who am approaching 100,000 followers, maintain a healthy 85 per cent ratio.'

Leigh Alexander the SJW/Feminist (who declared that "gamers are over") also has a Twitter page with a substantial amount of fake followers by 51%.

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