Monday, April 13, 2015

More Evidence of the Ties Between Feminist Ideology and Marxism.

You want a concrete connection between feminist ideology and Marxism? Well look no further than Standpoint Theory. It basically argues that women have access to knowledge that science does not due to their unique experiences. This is part of the framework of modern day feminist scholarship. Quote:
"Standpoint theory, a feminist theoretical perspective that argues that knowledge stems from social position. The perspective denies that traditional science is objective and suggests that research and theory has ignored and marginalized women and feminist ways of thinking.

The theory emerged from the Marxist argument that people from an oppressed class have special access to knowledge that is not available to those from a privileged class....

American feminist theorist Sandra Harding coined the term standpoint theory to categorize epistemologies that emphasize women’s knowledge....

Standpoint theorists also question objective empiricism—the idea that science can be objective through rigorous methodology....

According to standpoint theorists, when one starts from the perspective of women or other marginalized people, one is more likely to acknowledge the importance of standpoint and to create knowledge that is embodied, self-critical, and coherent." 

The theory emerged from the Marxist argument that people from an oppressed class have special access to knowledge that is not available to those from a privileged class....
American feminist theorist Sandra Harding coined the term standpoint theory to categorize epistemologies that emphasize women’s knowledge....
Standpoint theorists also question objective empiricism—the idea that science can be objective through rigorous methodology....
According to standpoint theorists, when one starts from the perspective of women or other marginalized people, one is more likely to acknowledge the importance of standpoint and to create knowledge that is embodied, self-critical, and coherent."

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