Monday, December 30, 2013

God is Declared to no Longer be a Man in Order to Please the Feminist Movement

Under pressure from the feminists in the pews the Scottish Church removes all references to God as male and all references to men period:

"The new form of worship, which removes words such as "Lord, he, his, him" and "mankind" from services, has been written by the church in an attempt to acknowledge that God is "beyond human gender".
Episcopalian bishops have approved the introduction of more "inclusive" language, which deliberately removes references suggesting that God is of male gender...

The controversial changes were discussed at the church's General Synod recently. The minutes of the synod reveal that female priests had asked why God was still referred to as a man."

Now if this doesn't show you how domesticated Western society has become under this anti-male agenda nothing will.

All Women who are Happy in a Marriage to a Man are Mentally Ill

A quote from another heavily influential feminist leader on how any woman who was happy in a traditional marriage had to be mentally ill:

"To be happy in a relationship which imposes so many impediments on her, as traditional marriage does, women must be slightly mentally ill."

-Jessie Bernard

Feminist Camille Paglia Admits Masculinity is no Longer Allowed

Even feminist leader Camille Paglia has been forced to admit that masculinity is no longer allowed in society and had been practically demonized out of existence. I must admit that as far as feminists go Paglia is the most honest one I've seen:

"Our society is neutering boys of their maleness at a young age, while the lack of people with military experience in important positions is a recipe fordisaster, claims Camille Paglia, the controversial lesbian author and social critic.
Self-described ‘dissident feminist’ Paglia, 66, believes that attempts to deny the biological distinctions between men and women is to blame for the much that is wrong with modern society.
'What you're seeing is how a civilization commits suicide’ she told the Wall Street Journal."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fathers Depicted as Idiot, Deadbeats and Criminals in Children's Books

A very good article from the UK on how almost all the children's books now depict fathers as clueless dimwits:

"As the penny dropped, I looked at all the other books I've been reading to my son. There's The Selfish Crocodile, by Faustin Charles and Michael Terry. It's about a male crocodile who wants everything for himself, thereby ruining the lives of all the other animals in the jungle. And, then, there's Giraffes Can't Dance, in which a giraffe called Gerald tries to dance and looks like a total idiot.
And something else began to strike me as I looked at these stories - the stories I use to introduce my son to the ways of the world. Not only were they full of bad male stereotypes - deadbeat dads, absent fathers, idiots, wimps and fools - but I have been totally colluding with them. It didn't bother me at all. Until I started to think about it, it had seemed normal to me"

Is this really how we want our children to think of fathers?

The BBC is Forced to Apologize for Program Where Dog Trainer Teaches Women how to Train Their Men

The BBC is forced to apologize for it's program called "Bring Your Husband to Heel" where a dog trainer gives women tips on domesticating their partner after a series of complaints from viewers. They could have never known it was a bigoted program without the complaints right?:

"BBC sorry for 'sexist' programme

The BBC has issued an apology over the programme Bring Your Husband to Heel after receiving complaints it was sexist towards men.
The BBC Two show featured dog trainer Annie Clayton using her techniques to teach women how to modify their husbands' behaviour.

The corporation said the show "plays on the long-standing stereotype of wives nagging husbands about their failings".

But it accepted that some viewers found the programme "inappropriate"."

Degrading men in Commercials is Made Illegal in the UK but Demonizing men is Declared Non-offensive

In 2009 the Daily Mail reported on how a sexist commercial depicting men as helpless idiots received 673 complaints from viewers but the Advertising Standards Authority rejected the complaints as non-offensive since men were the targets even though commercials degrading women were made illegal:

"A television advert that lampoons men as incapable of performing simple domestic tasks has been cleared by advertising watchdogs.
The commercial, for an oven cleaning product, drew 673 complaints from viewers who felt it was sexist for portraying men as stupid and lazy.
But the Advertising Standards Authority rejected the complaints, saying the ad was 'unlikely to cause serious or widespread offence'"

Critics said the verdict was out of line with years of ASA policy which has outlawed the demeaning of women in commercials."

Friday, December 13, 2013

Feminist Emma Goldman Condemns Women on the Titanic 1912

Even though I have no love for the feminist movement sometimes their leaders did tell the truth and truth is truth no matter the source. In this particular case Emma Goldman expressed her disgust at the behavior of the female survivors onboard the Titanic who allowed the men to sacrifice themselves enmass so that the women could be treated like helpless children yet again. She actually pointed out the hypocrisy of claiming to want equal voting rights and special privileges under a protected status. This is something the feminist movement today does not do and this is why so many men despise them. This is why I despise them:

“The men stood aside to let the ladies go first.” What about the ladies? What about their love superior to that of the men? What about their greater goodness? Their demand to equal rights and privileges? Is this to be found only at the polls, or on the statutes? I fear very much that the ladies who have so readily accepted the dictations of the men, who stood by when the men were beaten back from the life-boats, have demonstrated their utter unfitness and inferiority, not merely to the title of man’s equal, but to her traditionary fame of goodness, love and self-sacrifice.

It is to be hoped that some there were among the steerage victims at least, who preferred death with those they loved to life at the expense of the loved ones."

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Divorce Rate Skyrockets in Iran Due to More Women Seeking to End Relationships Despite Western Myths of No Divorce Rights

Here in the West we are told that women in Iran are not allowed to divorce, that they are forced to get and remain married, that they are rarely allowed to go to school, and that they are left chained to the kitchen sinks by their evil husbands.

This is what the feminist movement and our misandric culture has been telling us about Iran for years but actually hundreds of thousands of Iranian women get divorces they initiated themselves.

There has been a dramatic increase in divorce in Iran the past 10 years and it is driven mainly by women seeking out divorces and manipulating the system as the following report from the New York Times illustrates:

"Divorce is skyrocketing in Iran. Over a decade, the number each year has roughly tripled to a little more than 150,000 in 2010 from around 50,000 in 2000, according to official figures. Nationwide, there is one divorce for every seven marriages; in Tehran, the ratio is 1 divorce for every 3.76 marriages, the government has reported.

While the change in divorce rates is remarkable, even more surprising is the major force behind it: the increasing willingness of Iranian women to manipulate the Iranian legal system to escape unwanted marriages...

Not only is divorce on the rise, but marriages are also failing early, with 30 percent of divorces in any given year occurring in the first year of marriage and 50 percent in the first five years...Twenty percent of Iranian women are employed or actively looking for jobs, according to government figures, compared with 7 percent in the first years after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Female undergraduate students outnumber men in Iran’s universities almost two to one...

“At first I was afraid of how society would treat me after divorce,” said a seamstress named Sara, 33. “But after all the support that I got from my friends and my father, my uncle and aunts and the people who I turned to for advice, I thought, ‘No, the period in which people were prejudiced against divorce is over.’ No one ever judged me.”

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fathers who owed child support payed more than mothers who did for yet another Census period

The latest data on child support from the US Census is out showing the numbers from 2011. Yet again fathers received a lower percentage of the child support they were owed from mothers and once again fathers paid a larger percent of the child support they owed mothers. BUT the idea that only fathers are deatbeat parents lives on. The data from the photo is on page 7 of the following document:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Serious Partner Violence Against Women Declined 72 Percent from 1994 to 2011 in Latest Statistics

The Bureau of Justice Statistics has just released it's latest report and revealed that between 1994 and 2011 the rate of serious intimate partner violence against women declined by 72 percent which creates another damning argument against the feminist movement's frequently repeated claim that men in America are becoming more and more violent against women:

"From 1994 to 2011, the rate of serious intimate partner violence, such as rape, sexual assault, robbery or aggravated assault, declined 72 percent for females, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today."

Here is the Sacramento Bee article on the story:

And the Bureau of Justice Statistics report:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Female Imposed Sexual Standards Are More Responsible for Female Sexual Comformity

Contrary to what the feminist movement will tell you, men are not the source of most of the pressure women feel when trying to meet cultural beauty standards. Other women are the main conformity police for how women dress not men according to the latest research. In the following article from the NY Times highlighting the research it states:

"The existence of female competition may seem obvious to anyone who has been in a high-school cafeteria or a singles bar, but analyzing it has been difficult because it tends be more subtle and indirect (and a lot less violent) than the male variety. Now that researchers have been looking more closely, they say that this “intrasexual competition” is the most important factor explaining the pressures that young women feel to meet standards of sexual conduct and physical appearance."

Monday, November 18, 2013

Two First Wave Feminists Try to Push Magistrate off Cliff Circa 1913

The article clipping and link detail the story of two first wave feminists trying to push a Magistrate off a cliff because he rightfully sentenced many of the other violent feminists of the day to prison-time. He talks about how much fear he lived in and how afraid for his life he was because of them. The source is the Montreal Gazette 1913. The evidence keeps coming.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Women in 1707 Talk About Pressuring the Government to Force All Men to be Married

In "Female Grievances: Dialogues between two Young Ladies concerning Love and Marriage" published in 1707 two women talk about the need to force young men who are bachelors to get married using Government coercion. They talked about how bachelors needed to be taxed and forced into the military if they refused to get married and support female entitlement and how the Government should take away their land afterwards. In the dialog you can see there was not a shred of fear in these women's voices or apprehension about the supposed oppressive men back then punishing them for openly talking about taking away men's rights. The link is from AVFM but they link you to the actual book itself which you can download for yourself and read:

"Mariana: With all my heart; you would have me begin, so accordingly I’ll proceed to the business, vis:

That every bachelor above the age of twenty, and childless widower under the age of fifty, shall be obliged to marry within the circle of one year, commencing from the date of the Act, or else be liable to be press’d into the Sea or Land Service (after the expiration of the Term limited) when ever Her Majesties Forces shall need a further recruit.

Eliza: That their personal effects shall be all sequester’d by the government, and be distributed by an Almoner for that purpose, into the hands of so many trustees, chosen out of every Parish, for the better supporting and maintaining all such poor children as have lost their fathers in defence of the Kingdom, and the overplus to be disposed of amongst those miserable husbands who are plagued with scolding wives and smoky houses."

A Voice For Men dug up a gem here

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Only Men Used as Human Guinea Pigs in Clinical Trials? That's Sexism Against Women.

Harvard Magazine in a 1997 article titled "Chivalry and Science" complains that only men were routinely used as human guinea pigs in clinical trials and calls it this brand of chivalry a form of oppressive discrimination against women:

"Ah, chivalry. We know it as that noble male quality that obligated Saint George to endure a dragon's sulphurous breath so a fair maiden would go free. But chivalry's legacy has been mixed: while it may have opened a few doors for women, historically it has closed many more. And, unfortunately, chivalry has excluded women from serving as study subjects in most biomedical research."

This was at the same time that clinical trials on drugs being used on women in the third world was being called unethical because the women were given placebos:

"The zidovudine (AZT) regimen used in the United States to prevent mother-to-infant transmission of HIV has not been feasible in the Third World because of its complexity and cost. But a U.S.-backed research initiative to test a simpler, less expensive regimen last year touched off a sharp debate about the ethical standards for clinical trials, particularly those in the Third World."

So when women were excluded from medical experiments it was called oppression and when they were included in medical experiments it was called oppression.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Circumcision was First Promoted as a "Cure" for Everything From Masturbation to Blindness for Boys and Girls in the US

In the Journal of Orificial Surgery 1898 pgs 61-62 and on pg 385 the medical establishment talks about how cirumcision of baby boys has cured insanity, masturbation, and retardation in baby boys among other mental disorders and how sadly girls have been neglected and need female circumcision to "cure" them of these ailments as well

It is absolutely amazing to me that the medical industry hasn't suffered a single blow to its legitimacy despite having promoted practices like this with absolutely no science behind them up to the present. People are so ignorant about these atrocities to the point where it's as if they never happened.

Circumcision for boys is promoted to cure masturbation pgs 61-62

On pg 123, circumcision was performed by doctors on people to "cure blindness". In this particular case it was an actor who was "cured" because his foreskin had caused him to lose his eyesight. And it's no different today as the medical establishment tells us we have to slice off healthy parts of the male baby's body in order to prevent HIV because of course the male genitalia is disease-prone.

On pg 385 the medical establishment talks about how circumcision of baby boys has "cured" insanity, masturbation, and retardation in baby boys among other mental disorders and how sadly girls have been neglected and need female circumcision to "cure" them of these ailments as well

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

First Wave Feminists Engaged in Assault of Police Officers and Slapped Them in the Face to Get Prison Time

The first wave feminists used a strategy called "technical assault" where they were slapping and assaulting police officers in broad daylight in order to get arrested and in the following passage from a first wave feminist you can see the police officers were pretty much letting them hit them. Someone with money and influence must have been telling the police officers to take it easy on these women or something because if a man slapped a police officer they would have shot the guy on the spot."technical+assault"&source=bl&ots=a2WqHKknbx&sig=zFrtYZETwC9_lDwLV2kIWEoSHCY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5Lt1UoXjNvHJsQSZmIKYBQ&ved=0CHsQ6AEwCTgK#v=onepage&q=suffragettes%20%22technical%20assault%22&f=false

Monday, November 4, 2013

How the Prison System Discriminates Against Men by Allowing Female Guards to Watch Them Nude

In "The Gender Line: Men, Women, and the Law " by Nancy Levit she explains how male prisoners have less privacy and are subjected to female guards staring at them nude but female prisoners are protected from male prison guards staring at them nude. Thus even female prisoners are privileged relative to their male counterparts: 

“Female guards can view male prisoners in various stages of undress, but male guards cannot view female prisoners similarly disrobed. Women in custody are afforded more privacy than men. Simmering under the surface are assumptions about the motivations of the viewer. Women guards would not view men as sex objects, but male guards might be inclined to leer.”“Female+guards+can+view+male+prisoners+in+various+stages+of+undress,+but+male+guards+cannot+view+female+prisoners+similarly+disrobed"&source=bl&ots=VTwRly7aF7&sig=Um0bYFA_22ZWH-gH-HqjkSF56bM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=_bR3UprfA6Kz2gWF5oHwBA&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%E2%80%9CFemale%20guards%20can%20view%20male%20prisoners%20in%20various%20stages%20of%20undress%2C%20but%20male%20guards%20cannot%20view%20female%20prisoners%20similarly%20disrobed%22&f=false

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Afghan Government has a Higher Percentage of Women Than the US Government and More Than the World Average

Afghanistan is another country where women by law have to comprise a certain percentage of the Government and guess what? Women in Afghanistan make up a larger percentage of the Government than in the US! Don't believe me? Look at the data for yourself from the World Bank. So whatever evils are coming out of Afghanistan and directed at women cannot be blamed solely on men but the Universities, Hollywood and the feminist movement all blame men 110%.

Here is the World Bank's data, you can see Afghanistan's percentages and the United States percentages at the bottom of the list. Afghanistan's percentage is well above the worldwide average of 18.5%

Here is Afghanistan's Constitution. Within it are the words:

"Article Eighty-Four
Members of the House of Elders shall be elected and appointed as follows:
1. From amongst each provincial council members, one individual shall be elected
by the respective council for a four year term;
2. From amongst district councils of each province, one individual, elected by the
respective councils, for a three year term;
3. The remaining one third of the members shall be appointed by the President, for a
five year term, from amongst experts and experienced personalities, including two
members from amongst the impaired and handicapped, as well as two from
nomads. The President shall appoint fifty percent of these individuals from amongst women."

Now ask yourself why our entire culture is united in a conspiracy to demonize every man in Afghanistan and why no one is mentioning ANY of this information. Thanks to
Ramzy Noor and Thiago Alves Souza for the Constitution.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Judge in Tennessee Tells Man he is Wrong for Not Wanting to Pay Child Support for Child That Isn't his

A news video from a local Tennessee station highlights the fact that in many family courts across the country Judges feel as though men who fight paying child support for children who aren't theirs are unfairly hurting the child because even though he's not the father "all children need a daddy". Or at least this is the excuse the judge often gives:

"(Memphis) Talk show TV makes millions off the catch phrase, you are not the Daddy!
However, the reality in Memphis is just because you’re not the father, doesnt mean you won’t have to pay. Edward Bowdery told us, “I was down there in handcuffs and chains.” Over the years Bowdery had his drivers license stripped and once even found himself in handcuffs over child support payments for a child that’s not his, “I would hate to see somebody else go through the same thing. I’ve been going through this, headaches.” A mound of paperwork shows a juvenile court judge ordered him to pay child support even before the birth. “I didn’t do a voluntary acknowledgement. I didn’t sign the birth certificate. All I know is we legitimated the child in your name,” said Bowdery."

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Should we Just Blame Men for Female Circumcision? No Not Really

We've all heard the claim that men-only are responsible for female genital mutilation in third world countries and it is one of the most malicious lies perpetrated right now. But as UNICEF reports it's usually women who perform the procedure and female genital mutilation is a ritual that is seen as "women's business":

"In the majority of cases it is mothers or grandmothers who organize and support the cutting of their daughters, and in many places the practice is considered “women’s business.” DHS survey data from eight African countries where FGM/C is practiced show a higher proportion of women than men favouring its continuation (Yoder, Abderrahim, and Zhuzhuni 2004: 44). This is consistent with data and testimony drawn from field reports and case studies (Gruenbaum 2001: 35; Johnsdotter 2002: 93-101; Shell-Duncan et. al 2000: 121-122).
The perpetuation of FGM/C and professed support of the practice by women represent one of the chief puzzles that researchers have sought to better understand. To say that patriarchy causes FGM/C is insufficient, because most, if not all, communities that do not practice FGM/C are also patriarchal."

"The large majority of girls and women are cut by
a traditional practitioner, a category which includes
local specialists (cutters or exciseuses), traditional
birth attendants and, generally, older members of the
community, usually women. This is true for over 80
percent of the girls "

And it's not just the feminist movement saying this but it is our entire culture lying to us about this.

The Feminist Movement's Claim About Women in the Third World Having no Basic Rights is Bogus

In this blog post I will be presenting clear, concrete, documented, evidence refuting the idea that most of the women in third world countries do not have property rights, that women in third world countries cannot travel overseas without a man, that women in third world countries cannot open a bank account without a man, that women in third world countries are not allowed to work, and that women in third world countries do not have constitutional protections against sexual assault. And I will be doing this by linking you to direct documentation from the constitutions of these Third World Countries via the World Bank. I will also be illustrating a clear example of the mainstream media telling a dramatic bold faced lie about the rights women are given in one Third World country in particular.

What inspired me to look into this and indirectly led me to the information was a post on Exposing Feminism's facebook page where they were countering the claim made in a Time Magazine article about how a google search of terms related to women proved that women were all second class citizens across the world and a conversation with a fellow MRA on the phone who was researching the lies the feminists were telling about Brazil. It's amazing what brainstorming can bring up. Here's the fantastic post Exposing Feminism made countering their claim:

And here's the Time Magazine article where they claim women are all second class citizens:

Now if you click on that first hyperlink in that Time Magazine article you will be led to a Discovery Channel webpage which they use as proof of their claim that the men in the third world have all turned women into second class citizens. Well if you go to reason #6 for why women are supposedly all second class citizens in the third world countries they state that women in Chile do not have the right to own property/land:

"6. Restricted Land Ownership
In some countries, such as Chile and Lesotho, women lack the right to own land."

But if you read the comments under that statement by the readers you will notice a person who lives in Chile tells them they're lying:

" .... I'm from Chile... I don't know where you got this information, but when my grandfather passed away my grandmother became the new owner of the house and land. My mum bought a piece of land a few months ago and now is building herself a new house. My step mum's mother owned a dairy farm that she inherited from her dad when he passed away so...."

So me being the curious guy that I am I went and looked up everything I could find on Chile and Lesotho and after a substantial amount of searching I found the World Bank's information on these countries and the constitutional rights of women there and guess what? The Discovery Channel, the UN and Time Magazine were lying through their damned teeth. Women in Chile and Lesotho do have the right to own property and sons and daughters have equal inheritance rights:



The idea that women have no property rights would make no sense whatsoever in countries where historically men have been drafted into the military and left their wives behind. Why would anyone leave a wife on their land when they could die in the war and that property would just be stolen by any man who came by? Does this make any sense? Do you know how destabilized a region would be due to this?

But not only do women in Chile have property rights but their testimony in court constitutionally holds the same value as a man's, they have protection under the constitution from sexual violence, domestic violence, the law mandates maternity leave over there for women and actually the GOVERNMENT pays their maternity leave not the employer! Women are allowed to retire at 60 and receive full retirement pay from the Government but men have to wait until 65 even though the life expectancy for men is only 75 while the life expectancy for women is 82. Take a look for yourself:

India is the other big country the feminists like to demonize as a place where all the men are oppressive monsters and the women have no rights. Well guess what? Women in India have full property rights, sons and daughters have equal inheritance rights, the law mandates paid maternity leave but not paternity leave, a woman can retire and receive full benefits at age 58 from the Government, the women have constitutional protection from domestic violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse, sexual harassment, and a woman's testimony carries the same evidentiary weight in court as a man’s:

But according to MS Magazine which is feminist pioneer Gloria Steinem's publication, India hates women:

"India hates women. That is the ugly, unvarnished truth."

If they hate women why give them all these constitutional rights?

Let's go to Africa since the feminist movement LOVES to claim that men are just slapping women around in the streets there left and right and that they have no rights. Let's look at Rwanda which is a low income country. First of all a whopping 88% of the women are employed people there, women have equal property rights to men, the law mandates paid maternity leave, women can retire at 55 and receive full retirement benefits, women have the right to work the same jobs as men, a woman's testimony carries the same evidentiary weight in court as a man’s, the constitution guarantees equality before the law, women have constitutional protections from domestic violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse and sexual harassment:

Let's look at Nigeria which is another one of the feminist movement's favorite targets to symbolize male oppression. In Nigeria women are provided a non discrimination clause in the constitution, the constitution guarantees equality before the law, women have full property ownership rights, girls have equal inheritance rights, the law provides paid maternity leave BUT NOT paid paternity leave, women can retire and receive full benefits at 50, a woman's testimony carries the same evidentiary weight in court as a man’s, women have constitutional protections from domestic violence, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse

Let's go to Ethiopia. 81% of the women there are employed, they have non-discrimination clauses in the constitution that specifically covers women, women have full business ownership rights, women have full property ownership rights, girls have equal inheritance rights, maternity leave is mandated by the Government BUT NOT paternity leave, a woman can retire and receive full benefits at 60, a woman's testimony carries the same evidentiary weight in court as a man’s, and women have protections from domestic violence, emotional abuse, and sexual harassment:

In Ghana it's the same thing:

Some of these third world countries actually have quotas where the Governments are forced to be a certain percentage of the federal and or local Government:

In Columbia the local Governments have to be at least 30% women:

In Bangladesh the local Governments have to be 21% women and the Federal Government has to be at least 14% women:

In Kenya, a country the feminist organizations love to bash, the Governments are forced to have at least 33% women in both local and Federal Government:

The federal Government in Nepal is forced to be at least 33% women:

In Niger they have to be at least 10% of the federal Government:

In Pakistan they have to be at least 17.5% of the federal Government:

In Rwanda not only do women have to make up at least 30% of both federal and local Governments but they also have to make up at least 30% of all Corporate boards BY LAW:

In Tanzania women have to make up at least 30% of the federal Government:

In Uganda women have to make up 30% of local and Federal Government:

And in Zimbabwe women have to make up 20% of the federal Government:

The idea that women in Third World countries have no basic rights is the feminist movement's most powerful claim in demonizing men collectively and as we can see it's yet another bogus instance of empty rhetoric.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Contradictory Messages Women Give to Men

Look at the two messages in both songs. These are the contradictory messages men are getting today from an awful lot of women. Why do we wonder why some men choose not to marry?

The Witch Persecutions and the Untold Story of Female Participation

The feminist movement has effectively whitewashed the history of the witch persecutions and now people believe that it was just men targeting women and it was just that simple. Somehow they get amnesia anytime you bring up the fact that in places like Scotland the Scottish Witchcraft Act was approved by Mary Queen of Scots:

"By touching bills with her sceptre, she assented to several laws, among them, declaring it a capital crime to practice witchcraft"

And contrast this with how the feminists tell the history:

"In Lewd Women and Wicked Witches, Marianne Hester reviews and develops revolutionary feminist thinking. Accordingly, she shows how witches can be seen as victims of the oppression of a male dominated society.
Concentrating on English source material, the author shows how witch-hunts may be seen as an historically specific example of male dominance."

Witchcraft persecutions in England got started with Elizabeth I's statute:

"Witchcraft persecutions really began in England in 1563 with the statute of Elizabeth I"

Feminist University Lecturer Says Meat-Eating is Proof of Oppression of Women

Carol J. Adams a self proclaimed vegan feminist and a woman who is a favorite on University campuses for student lectures in her book as well as her speeches claims that meat eating is proof of male-oppression of women as well as animals. In her book THE SEXUAL POLITICS OF MEAT we see her in characteristic feminist fashion blaming everything on men and using the feminist movement's favorite word "patriarch" over and over again:

"Dietary habits proclaim class distinctions, but they proclaim patriarchal distinctions
as well. Women, second-class citizens, are more likely to eat what are
considered to be second-class foods in a patriarchal culture: vegetables,
fruits, and grains rather than meat.

The sexism in meat eating
recapitulates the class distinctions with an added twist: a mythology
permeates all classes that meat is a masculine food and meat eating
a male activity...

Women are the food preparers; meat has to be cooked to be palatable
for people. Th us, in a patriarchal culture, just as our culture
accedes to the “needs” of its soldiers, women accede to the dietary
demands of their husbands, especially when it comes to meat...

Women are allied with animals because they too are objects of use
and possession. Women’s oppression is expressed through the trope
of meat eating...

A feminist-vegetarian critical theory begins, as we have seen, with the
perception that women and animals are similarly positioned in a
patriarchal world, as objects rather than subjects."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lack of Women in Tech Industry? Blame the Job Ads for Being Too Masculine

Why are there not as many women in the tech industry as men? Could it be due to the fact that women aren't as interested in how electronics work as men? Nope. According to the feminist controlled Universities it's because ad listings for tech jobs use "masculine language" that discourages women from applying:

"According to a paper recently published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, there could be a subtle gender bias in the way companies word job listings in such fields as engineering and programming. Although the Civil Rights Act effectively bans companies from explicitly requesting workers of a particular gender, the language in these listings may discourage many women from applying."

Time Magazine on How False Rape Claims Can Supposedly Benefit the Men Who are Accused

The following Time Magazine article reveals how some feminists believe that being falsely accused of rape is a good thing for men and how loosening the definition of rape will benefit society and justice:

"A new twist in society's perception came in 1975, when Susan Brownmiller published her book Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. In it she attacked the concept that rape was a sex crime, arguing instead that it was a crime of violence and power over women. Throughout history, she wrote, rape has played a critical function. "It is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation, by which all men keep all women in a state of fear."

Out of this contention was born a set of arguments that have become politically correct wisdom on campus and in academic circles. This view holds that rape is a symbol of women's vulnerability to male institutions and attitudes. "It's sociopolitical," insists Gina Rayfield, a New Jersey psychologist. "In our culture men hold the power, politically, economically. They're socialized not to see women as equals."

This line of reasoning has led some women, especially radicalized victims, to justify flinging around the term rape as a political weapon, referring to everything from violent sexual assaults to inappropriate innuendos. Ginny, a college senior who was really raped when she was 16, suggests that false accusations of rape can serve a useful purpose. "Penetration is not the only form of violation," she explains. In her view, rape is a subjective term, one that women must use to draw attention to other, nonviolent, even nonsexual forms of oppression. "If a woman did falsely accuse a man of rape, she may have had reasons to," Ginny says. "Maybe she wasn't raped, but he clearly violated her in some way."

Catherine Comins, assistant dean of student life at Vassar, also sees some value in this loose use of "rape." She says angry victims of various forms of sexual intimidation cry rape to regain their sense of power. "To use the word carefully would be to be careful for the sake of the violator, and the survivors don't care a hoot about him." Comins argues that men who are unjustly accused can sometimes gain from the experience. "They have a lot of pain, but it is not a pain that I would necessarily have spared them. I think it ideally initiates a process of self-exploration. 'How do I see women?' 'If I didn't violate her, could I have?' 'Do I have the potential to do to her what they say I did?' Those are good questions.",9171,157165,00.html

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Evil All-Powerful Male Patriarchy

Mary Daly was a feminist professor who taught at Boston College for 33 years until she was forced to retire after a male student sued her for barring men from attending her classes. She was instrumental in shaping what's called "patriarchytheory" which is the idea that male led households/families are anti-female and that they are formed because men hate women. The following excerpts are from her book "Gyn/ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism" and gives you a peek into the mind which shaped how most feminists view male-led households today:

"Three such words...which I cannot use again are God, androgyny,
and homosexuality. There is no way to remove male/masculine imagery from
God. Thus, when writing/speaking “anthropomorphically” of ultimate reality, of
the divine spark of be-ing, I now choose to write/speak gynomorphically. I do so
because God represents the necrophilia of patriarchy, whereas Goddess affirms
the life-loving be-ing of women and nature."

"The radical be-ing of women is very much an Otherworld Journey. It is both
discovery and creation of a world other than patriarchy. Patriarchy appears to
be “everywhere”. Even outer space and the future have been colonized."

"It is a mistake to see men as pitiable victims or vessels to be
“saved” through female self-sacrifice. However possessed males may be within
patriarchy, it is their order; it is they who feed on women's stolen energy."

"Patriarchy has stolen our cosmos and returned it in the form of
Cosmopolitan magazine and cosmetics. They have made up our cosmos, our

"I have coined the term metapatriarchal to describe the journey, because the
prefix meta has multiple meanings. It incorporates the idea of “postpatriarchal”,
for it means occurring later. It puts patriarchy in the past without denying that
its walls/ruins and demons are still around."

"There is nothing like the sound of women really laughing. The roaring laughter
of women is like the roaring of the eternal sea. Hags can cackle and roar at
themselves, but more and more, one hears them roaring at the reversal that is
patriarchy, that monstrous jock's joke, the Male Mothers Club that gives birth
only to putrefaction and deception."

"Gyn/Ecology requires a constant
effort to see the innerconnectedness of things. It involves seeing the totality of
the Lie which is patriarchy, unweaving its web of deception. Since the totality of
the patriarchal Lie is not integrity, since it lacks the complexity of real integrity,
it tends to fall apart quickly once we see its pattern, once we dare to face “the
whole thing”. Moreover, since it depends entirely upon the reality which it
distorts and demonically reflects, our seeing through patriarchy is at the same
time learning to see the Background, our stolen integrity/energy/be-ing."

"Thus by breaking the imposed silence we help to spring other
prisoners of patriarchy"

"The courage to be logical – the courage to name – would require that we
admit to ourselves that males and males only are the originators, planners,
controllers, and legitimators of patriarchy. Patriarchy is the homeland of males:
it is the Father Land; and men are its agents."

"I have already suggested that in women's metapatriarchal Otherworld Journeying the wardens are the demonic powers of patriarchy, which assume ghostly forms (that is, are difficult to perceive) and function as noxious gases. Women who are able to
name our Selves are thereby empowered to name the demons at each Passage.
When we say their names, they – in effect – drop dead. To put it another way,
the gases drop down (condense) into a merely messy puddle."

"Patriarchy is itself the prevailing religion of the entire planet, and its essential
message is necrophilia."

"women are the objects of male terror, the projected
personifications of “the Enemy”, the real objects under attack in all the wars of

"To visualize the procession of generations of crippled mothers and daughters,
hobbling on three-inch long caricatures of feet, moving slowly, grotesquely,
painfully in meaningless circles within the homes (prisons) of fathers and
husbands – their owners – is to see the real state of women in patriarchy."

"Re-considering the imposed choices of the past means acknowledging that a spell has been cast upon us, that we have been framed by the pictures of patriarchy, robotized by its rituals."

"The most basic and paradigmatic form of boundary violation is, of course, rape.
Patriarchy as the Religion of Rapism legitimates all kinds of boundary violation."

"Within the massive public relations business of patriarchy, the
promotion of rape and dismemberment has top priority, and it is essential that
the promoters make this fact invisible to everyone, especially to themselves."

"For, since the patriarchy requires women to be “made-up” - that is, lie through their
bodies – this assumption that women are lying carries over to all physical
appearance, however deviant."

"Scientists are priests of patriarchy, performing the last rites."

"Since Patriarchy is the State of War, it is interesting to consider the persistent
propaganda concerning the “peaceful uses of nuclear energy”."

"As she moves through this Passage, she finds multiple manifestations of the lethal intent of patriarchy. Her increasing knowing of this intent and her facing its implications is radical exorcism."

"Indeed, the very nature of patriarchy inherently excludes justice."

"nearly everyone has been indoctrinated from infancy in the mother-hating myths of the controlling religion: Patriarchy. Fairy tales (for example, “Snow White” and “Cinderella”) teach that the only good mothers are dead ones, thinly disguising living mothers as “evil” stepmothers."

"We have seen that the perpetrators of this planetary atrocity
are acting out the deadly myths of patriarchy and that this ritual enactment of
the sado-myths has become more refined with the “progress of civilization”."

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Feminist Movement Changes the Name of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Women's Equality Amendment 2007

One of the feminist movement's biggest demands since second wave feminism has been the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment and this was the large banner bywhich they claimed the movement was all about "equality" of the genders. 

Well in 2007 they came even more out in the open with the fact that it was about female superiority all along by changing the name of the Amendment to the WOMEN'S Equality Amendment and scrapping the old name altoghether. Some will be more equal than others apparently as if they already weren't:

"Federal and state lawmakers have launched a new drive to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, reviving a feminist goal that faltered a quarter-century ago when the measure did not gain the approval of three-quarters of the state legislatures...

House and Senate Democrats reintroduced the measure under a new name -- the Women's Equality Amendment"

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Researchers Receive Bomb and Death Threats for Revealing Women Can be Just as Violent as Men in the Home

Richard J. Gelles, Ph.D of the School of Social Policy and Practice at the University of Pennsylvania, Murray Straus and Suzanne Steinmetz conducted the First National Family Violence Survey in 1975 and found that the rate of male to female violence was the same as the female to male rate. They death threats and bomb threats and the female member received the brunt of the attacks from the feminist movement:

"The response to our finding that the rate of female-to-male family violence was equal to the rate of male-to-female violence not only produced heated scholarly criticism, but intense and long-lasting personal attacks. All three of us received death threats.

Bomb threats were phoned in to conference centers and buildings where we were scheduled to present. Suzanne received the brunt of the attacks - individuals wrote and called her university urging that she be denied tenure; calls were made and letters were written to government agencies urging that her grant funding be rescinded. All three of us became "non persons" among domestic violence advocates.

Invitations to conferences dwindled and dried up. Advocacy literature and feminist writing would cite our research, but not attribute it to us. Librarians publicly stated they would not order or shelve our books."

Virginia's Dept of Health Portrays Fathers as Child Sexual Abusers in Billboard Campaign

The picture is from the Virginia Dept. of Health's child abuse organization which specifically set out to bring the image of men as sexual abusers to the public. The Wall Street Journal did a decent story covering this bull:

"When children get lost in a mall, they're supposed to find a "low-risk adult" to help them. Guidelines issued by police departments and child-safety groups often encourage them to look for "a pregnant woman," "a mother pushing a stroller" or "a grandmother."

The implied message: Men, even dads pushing strollers, are "high-risk."

Are we teaching children that men are out to hurt them? The answer, on many fronts, is yes. Child advocate John Walsh advises parents to never hire a male babysitter. Airlines are placing unaccompanied minors with female passengers rather than male passengers. Soccer leagues are telling male coaches not to touch players...

Some men are opting not to get involved with children at all, which partly explains why many youth groups can't find male leaders, and why just 9% of elementary-school teachers are male, down from 18% in 1981.

People assume that all men "have the potential for violence and sexual aggressiveness," says Peter Stearns, a George Mason University professor who studies fear and anxiety. Kids end up viewing every male stranger "as a potential evildoer," he says, and as a byproduct, "there's an overconfidence in female virtues."...

This summer, Virginia's Department of Health mounted an ad campaign for its sex-abuse hotline. Billboards featured photos of a man holding a child's hand. The caption: "It doesn't feel right when I see them together."